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The Hawthorns

5 Creswick Street,, HAWTHORN VIC 3122 - Property No B0249

The Hawthorns was built for judicial official James Denham Pinnock before 1852. The asymmetrically composed two-storey house, with castellated walled courtyard and stables, is constructed of random coursed bluestone with slate roofs. Elaborate timber bargeboards and finials decorate the gables and the prominent chimneys are part bluestone, part rendered. The oriel, arched entrance and window surrounds are distinctive. The Hawthorns is an early house in the rarely-used Picturesque ... more



The Hawthornes

1 Skene Street, NEWTOWN VIC 3220 - Property No B1704

This symmetrically planned, colonial regency villa was built 1852-3 by John Matthews, an early architect/builder in Geelong responsible for other similar developments in Newtown. The villa has interesting associations with the Free Presbyterian Church in Geelong, the church having purchased it as a residence for the Reverend John Tait. Recorded: 30/01/1964 Classified: Local: 23/05/1995

